My Body is a Bowl
a dance-piece with clay
The systems all around us and inside us; the heartbeat, breathing, splitting of the cells, the rhythm of the day, the rhythm of nature, the habit of waking up, brushing our teeth, and having coffee, all of these repetitions are the triggers for the performance The body is a bowl and especially when the rhythm in these systems goes out of balance. Everything we have felt given is not what it was. Summer no longer comes after spring. The body's cells lose their rhythm and go into overdrive. Being alive is not a given anymore. Yet in this uncertainty, something completely new is born.

Life - a MudPie
LIFE - a MudPie is a theatre show without words!
Funny, playful and uplifting – for the big kids and the little kids.
Two creatures come out of the shadows, find a bag of earth, they start to play and discover what life is all about.
“All the stars in the house!” G.S.E. Djoflaeyjan.
“Four stars! Life is a beautiful show” MBL.
“Original, funny and visually stunning for people of all ages”.
S.J. Frettabladid.

an interactive participatory piece that works on people's senses.
In a Sand is an interactive participatory piece a sense-making experience of collaborative creativity activating the senses. The project becomes a space where researching, experiencing, and interpreting are brought directly to the audience, connecting the external and internal through the sand.
"It is a great example of how art can be used to connect people to themselves, to other people and to nature." Eva Rún Snorradóttir and Þorgerður E. Sigurðardóttir